You might be operating one single site or multiple sites. We suggest implement energy portfolio management. It may support you with the following:

(a) Site Level Energy monitoring

(b) Multi-site Energy Data Dashboard

(c) Site Energy Consumption benchmarking


The same can be achieved by installing energy meters (Multi-function Meters, Smart  Energy Meters, Trivector Meters, HT Meters etc.). The meters then are integrated with a ready-to-go energy management application available over a customer portal as well as over a mobile apps. It becomes multi-user app.

The energy management application has functionalities for energy data acquisition, validation, calculation, energy balance calculation, energy audit etc. The webbased software application has a web browser interface as well as mobile interfaces. Multiple users can use these applications to view data, information and reports and take various decisions to manage energy. These decisions would be based on the temporal patterns, max demand, current imbalances, voltage fluctuations etc.